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How Aromatherapy Works


How Aromatherapy Works

When aromatic molecules are breathed in, they travel through the olfactory system into the limbic and cerebral cortex system of our brain. Our olfactory membrane is made up of specialized nerve endings where receptors live and can recognize millions of different molecules. Like a lock and key, the aromatic molecule fits into special receptors. These receptors send messages to the brain instantaneously where our nervous system is waiting for their direction.

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Applying Aromatherapy Topically

Essential oils are lipophilic, which means they are attracted to lipids and are fat soluble. They penetrate the skin through the different layers, down hair follicles and sweat glands. Once they penetrate the skin, they enter the blood stream and travel throughout the body. The most permeable skin on the body are the head, trunk, arms and legs. The least permeable skin is found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

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Benefits of Aromatherapy

  • Reduces Muscle Tension And Pain
  • Relieves Stress And Anxiety
  • Improves Sleep And Relaxation
  • Balances Hormones And Emotions
  • Helps With Headaches And Migraines

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Therapeutic Benefits of Essential Oils

Essential oils are made up of hundreds of components and they each have therapeutic properties that benefit our bodies. Every component belongs to a chemical family, which are oils that have similar molecular structures. Some families work better as antiseptics, while others are better for anti inflammatory purposes. There are oils that are analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-fungal. Others have antiviral, carminative and digestive abilities. The list of therapeutic benefits is as long as the time frame people have been using

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The Emotional Energy quality of essential Oils

Every essential oil leaves a footprint on the person using it. There are some oils that offer energetic protection or helps strengthen self-confidence. Some are great at bringing clarity to the mind and can be emotionally up-lifting. There are some that calm and soothe and help those who over think things, where others can reduce fear and motivate change. Every oil is unique and each one will offer a variety of gifts to those who choose to use them.

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Our Essential Oils


The safest and best combination blends

Concentrated oils can be dangerous to our systems. One drop of an essential oil is equal to 25 to 30 cups of herbal tea. Like everything else we put on our body, our liver has to process and filter it out. When we use essential oils that are not diluted, we are shocking our systems and there can be adverse reactions. Headaches, nausea, tunnel vision, sunburns, and rashes are all symptoms of essential oil sensitivity. We safely blend our products so that they are ready to use, on-the-go, without ever having to worry.

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How we blend our oils

Every single essential oil we use has been tested for pesticides and heavy metals. The distributor provides us with a gas chromatography / mass spectrometry report which tells us the percentage of each component that makes up an oil. For each of our mixtures, we formulate them into synergistic blends that maximize the therapeutic qualities of each oil in order to complement the body and promote the restoration of health.

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Our Bodies

Your Body and it's relationship with plant parts

We could not exist without plants. We have been intertwined from the beginning of time as our exhale is their inhale and vice versa. From seed to bloom, every part of a plant or tree relates to our own bodies in some way. Leaves allow the plant to breathe yet if we use an oil taken from a leaf, it will support our respiratory system. Resin seeps out of a plant when there is a wound that needs healing. Resin oils are spectacular for our own wounds and scars. Roots that hold the plant in place are extraordinary in helping us stay grounded and centered. Seeds that give the plant reproduction ability also nourish our own reproductive systems. We couldn’t ask for a better partner in life than that of our plant friends.

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The Source

Where we source our Oils

The foundation of Mindful Mixtures is based on honesty, education, sustainability and giving back. We only buy from growers and distributers who share those same qualities and values. Our ingredients are either certified organic or wildcrafted, and we only buy from companies that focus on sustainability. We like supporting small farms, fair trade organizations and distributors who know each of their growers personally because it means that we can deliver high quality ingredients that are being grown ethically for the greater good.

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